Daisy paints large scale murals that help her clients celebrate! Whether we’re celebrating joy, beauty, discovery, play, creativity, or something else, Daisy wants to help you create the space.

SunnySunny’s Marina, Lake of the Ozarks


Sunny’s Marina, Lake of the Ozarks

Wolfgang and ToshiSunny’s Marina, Lake of the Ozarks

Wolfgang and Toshi

Sunny’s Marina, Lake of the Ozarks

1932 Reserve Historic Building

1932 Reserve, Osage Beach, 2023

Miss Universe Boat HotelSunny’s Marina, Lake of the Ozarks

Miss Universe Boat Hotel

Sunny’s Marina, Lake of the Ozarks

Dogwood FlowersSunny’s Marina, Lake of the Ozarks

Dogwood Flowers

Sunny’s Marina, Lake of the Ozarks

Miss Universe Boat HotelSunny’s Marina, Lake of the Ozarks

Miss Universe Boat Hotel

Sunny’s Marina, Lake of the Ozarks

Shit You’ve LostSunny’s Marina, Lake of the Ozarks

Shit You’ve Lost

Sunny’s Marina, Lake of the Ozarks

The DinghyThe Dinghy Bar, Lake of the Ozarks

The Dinghy

The Dinghy Bar, Lake of the Ozarks

Kru & Co CashwrapKru & Co Boutique,  Osage Beach

Kru & Co Cashwrap

Kru & Co Boutique, Osage Beach

Dogwood FlowersSunny’s Marina, Lake of the Ozarks

Dogwood Flowers

Sunny’s Marina, Lake of the Ozarks

SunnySunny’s Marina, Lake of the Ozarks


Sunny’s Marina, Lake of the Ozarks

Hidden EaglesSunny’s Marina, Lake of the OzarksHistory: During construction, these eagles had to be covered with plywood to pass the city inspection. They are no longer visible to anyone.

Hidden Eagles

Sunny’s Marina, Lake of the Ozarks

History: During construction, these eagles had to be covered with plywood to pass the city inspection. They are no longer visible to anyone.

The Mermaid Lounge Cabinet DoorsKelly’s Place, Lake of the Ozarks

The Mermaid Lounge Cabinet Doors

Kelly’s Place, Lake of the Ozarks

The Turtles

Sunny’s Marina, Lake of the Ozarks

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